I have had the most blessed day

I've taken to hanging out with K once a week during the week, cause every third weekend just isn't enough when you're only 30 minutes away and I think the D in English had something to do with that. He's pulled it up to a B- as of today, mind you.

But on another front, he had a field trip to the National Cathedral today. He really wanted me to chaperone the trip because he's still not totally comfy with religion except as transliterated by my punkrustic filter (in which the liturgy goes something like, “Yo, God, you're like the father and stuff.” He laughs, but it diffuses the gravity and helps him approach his own questions on faith more comfortably.) I couldn't go along, though, because I have a lot of time off scheduled ahead and I didn't know about this one til I had already tweaked my work schedule to a point that I have no wiggle space. As it is, I'm writing two stories tomorrow for a deadline that was Monday.

He was terribly excited that he was going to be able to take money and spend it at the gift shop. I had no idea what he might get there, because he's about as spiritually inclined as a fannish teen magazine.

When I hooked up with him tonight, he poured a necklace into my hands, with a Jerusalem Cross, a nice, tastefully sized pendant.

I about died on the spot. God had guided his choice. It was exactly what I've been looking for since I came back to church. Exactly. He had no idea why he picked it out. He just thought it looked cool and that I would like it. He really hasn't been exposed to the church enough to know recognize it.

Wow. So I was slated to write a devotion for the RevGalBlogPals Advent Devotional, and was kinda wondering, hmmmm, what on earth can I write about that ties in Christmas giving and God sending his son?

Thank you father, cause you really knocked me and the kid upside the head today, and we're both totally full of joy for having been thusly biznitchslapped.

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