Some good news

I don’t ordinarily blog about the specifics of my work. I can talk a blue streak about social media and whatnot, which just happens to be what I do for a living, but I generally keep my work self and my self self pretty separate in the blogosphere.

But I would just like to mention that I have been appointed acting managing editor of the publication I do social media work for, effective later this month. 😀 It’s a temporary step back into print media editing that should be interesting. I’m a little nervous, though, because I still have to do my regular job.

I’m weighing how this will affect my volunteer gigs.

Weigh in!

Week 3: Down two pounds. Weight watchers is fussing at me for losing too fast, but I made a rather drastic change in how I approach food and exercise and I’m really not regretting it in the least. I know there’s a risk of my metabolism slowing down, but I don’t think that’s happening. My energy levels are so much higher.

I’ve asked DFH to take some before-pictures for me.

Yay of the day!

Temple at some point in the past year or so has restored its online archives for the Temple Times, of which I was associate editor between 2000 and 2004. I’m so happy about this, because it means I can restore that portion of my online clip file.

I discovered this when I had this random notion to Google an amazing student I interviewed back in the early days of my writing career. I wasn’t surprised to find that she indeed went on to Harvard Law School, and I believe we’ll be seeing more of her in years to come. I hit her up on LinkedIn, and hope she writes back, because I’d love to hear what track she’s on now that she’s out of school.

I should note that there was a story I wrote in 2001 that has been tickling around the back of my mind as being an influence on my faith journey, but I didn’t have a copy of it — I found it here. I was pretty much a nontheistic, nonpracticing Buddhist at the time.

Car a go-go. vroom vroom.

For the first time in about eight years, my car inspection cost me the car inspection fee and NOTHING MORE.